The Kingdom of Strathclyde

Does anyone have any info on the Kingdom of Dalriada ( A kingdom encompassing parts of Ulster and Scotland )?


Madam, this is absolute nonsense as anyone will tell you. My local
area, Strathclyde was a Britonnic kingdom for many, many years
following the fall of Rome.

I enclude a small history of the Kingdom of Strathclyde before its
incorporation into a Scottish Kingdom. Peoples rarely disappear,
especially over period of a thousand years, the Britonnic people are
still making up a large chunk of the Welsh population (Welsh being a
Britonnic language and Wales being, by virtual definition, Britonnic).

When the Saxons entered Britain, the Britons fled north... hence why
they can be found quite largely in Scotland, Wales and Cornwall.
Indeed, my family can be traced back to Britons who inhabited this
region. The number of Scottish people with SOME Britonnic blood in
them is probably over 50%. A statistic not true of the immigrant
Anglo-Saxons of England.

Scotland was never captured by force of arms and won its independence
in 1314 (Bannockburn) as any Scottish scholar will inform you. After
this Scotland used sovereign powers to make treaty with England and
Wales. Your opinions that Scotland has no sovereign right to declare
treaty before incorporation to Great Britain is a false insult. You
do not recognise Scotland's former status as a legitimate state.

England is not a dominant country and you have given no reason to
support this opinion EVER.

Your arguments are based on surface buzzwords and tend to have no
real structure to them and are not able to stand up to reasoned
scrutiny. You try and show yourself as a friend of Scotland when you
are really just expressing anti-English racism and with it a total
disrespect towards the territorial and sovereign integrity of
Scotland and the United Kingdom, a voluntary union of States.

The Kingdom of Strathclyde (Britonnic)

After the collapse of the Roman Empire it withdrew from Britannia in
409 c.e. At this point, the Picts of Caledonia became restless and
fought and raided the lands south of Hadrian's wall. The Britons and
the Saxons, a Germanic tribe, fought off the Pictish threat and
eventually the Saxons invaded and emigrated to southern Britannia in
great numbers, forcing the Britons northwards into southern
Caledonia, where the Britonnic Kingdom of Strathclyde was formed.

Meanwhile neighbouring kingdoms were established. In the early 6th
century, the Scotti tribe (Scots), the Celtic peoples of Northern
Ireland, came to Britannia to establish the Kingdom of Dalriada.
Later in the century the Angles, a Germanic people similar to the
Saxons took all the lands south of the River Forth (Firth of Forth
being the estuary) and with parts of northern England established the
Kingdom of Northumbria. The Picts were again forced into a kingdom in
the north.

In 730 Angus MacFergus, the Pictish King took Strathclyde and the
Scot's Kingdom of Dalriada. Peace followed until the Scandinavian
Vikings started troubling Pictish coasts. While the Pictish armies
concentrated on external security, the Scots and the Britons managed
to eject the occupying forces.

Kenneth MacAlpine, King of the Scots was crowned King of the Picts in
844. Together these lands formed the new Kingdom of Alban.

In 878 the Britons, in an act of revenge, forced the house of
MacAlpine from the Kingship of Pictland, however, in 889 they
returned and invaded Strathclyde.

For the Britons this may have been a disaster. The following year,
Welsh sources note, the men of Strathclyde who didn't accept the new
order, went into exile and settled in Gwynedd (or Wales). Following
this exodus, Strathclyde seems to have become a sub-kingdom of the
new Pictish and Gaelic Kingdom of Alba, with its royal line related
to the Kings of Alba.

The last king of Strathclyde, Owein the Bald, died fighting for
Malcolm II, King of Alba, at the Battle of Carham.

Alan Day
County Tyrone, Northern Ireland, UK

Ulster-Scots & Irish Unionist Resource


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