Tyrone Leaguers


Tyrone Leaguers criticise Belfast Conference East Tyrone United Irish League Executive met on Sunday June 28, 1914 in Stewartstown with Mr W.J Harbison in the chair. The Chairman announced that he had received a letter from Mr W.A Redmond, which assured him that the Irish Party would not allow in any shape or form the exclusion of Tyrone.

Mr P.J Clancy J.P, refering to the recent Exclusion Conference held in Belfast strongly condemned the important matters being discussed in private meetings pointing out that they should consult the Executive first. The Chairman said "a few men from counties Down, Armagh and Tyrone were asked to meet Mr Devlin in Belfast." On the question of the exclusion of Antrim, Armagh, Down and Derry he neither consented nor assented. He stood by this and said "the counties themselves should decide what was to be done on this matter."

Mr James Mayne held that the Executive was the place to discuss what was to be done, not at the conference at the Linen Hall, Belfast. TRUST He felt strongly on this point and in his opionion many Executive delegates "were not to be trusted, as they should be trusted." He also regretted to find that men were invited to this meeting who were not members of the Executive.

Mr P.J Clancy said that East Tyrone was the place for Mr W.A Redmond and not the Linen Hall, Belfast.

Mr James Mullan said with reference to the meeting in Belfast referred to by Mr Clancy and Mr Mayne, he was present at the meeting having been invited by their Chairman to meet Nr Devlin.


They met Mr Redmond and discussed the question of the Volunteers and the partition of Ulster. With reference to the partition of Ulster he put it forcibly that Tyrone would not be excluded. His opinion was that the Home Rule Bill would leave the House of Commons and be placed on the Statute Book, but the Amending Bill would never pass.

Mr Mullan said he was tolerably certain that there would be a General Election within the next 15 months. It was their duty to see that there was not a single voter that would not be placed on the register for 1915.


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