Schools in Northern Ireland

For anyone living outside of Northern Ireland, or indeed those who have a blinkered view of society in Ulster there are three types of schools. You have the catholic schools, Protestant schools and the so called integrated schools. This view is entirely false and does nothing to show the sectarianism used against Protestants in Northern Ireland. There are only ordinary schools and Catholic Schools. There may be some schools where the majority of pupils are Protestant, but these schools welcome anyone and do not discriminate against any religion. Catholic schools however are entirely different. They are run and owned by nuns and priests - Protestants are not allowed to join. These schools are always called after a catholic saint and have only a catholic agenda which obviously would discourage anyone of any religion, Protestant or otherwise to join, even if they were allowed to. If this were the other way round it would be broadcast worldwide, we would have civil rights campaigners shouting about how badly Catholics are being treated and the government would be falling over themselves to introduce laws stopping it from going on. Because it is the ordinary Protestant people its happening to, no one cares, to complain would only upset IRA/Sinn Fein and their SDLP apologists.

Its is also a well known fact that these catholic schools are a breeding ground for IRA terrorists and republican ideals Integrated schools are apparently mixed schools, where it is ensured that Protestants and Catholics are in equal numbers. Quite why this is needed has yet to be explained. There aren't any schools which Catholics cannot join or are not made welcome to join. Perhaps it is the republican way of thinking that needs to change rather than the school system.



The situation is even worse in the Republic of Ireland whereby nearly the whole schooling system is Catholic maintained and protestants and other ethnic minorites who together only make up 5% of the poulation are left with poor services in this regard. Indeed the Irish republic has only recently acknowledged qualifications obtained from Trinity College in Dublin which would be deemed "unionist" or "protestant". Discrimination? Nah. it is only Northern Protestant who do that isnt it?

The question that needs asking is who are the minorities in Ireland and are they adequetly protected. The answer to this question is overwhelmingly the Protestant and Ethnic minority populations, particularly in the South. The population in Northern Ireland is roughtly 53 % Protestant and 44% Protestant. So WHO exactly are the minority in Ireland? Think about it.


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