Publication Date: 25 August 2002

LVF 'tools up' for terrorism

THERE are growing fears that the hard-line LVF is "tooling up" following a major re-organisation.

It is understood that the loyalist group has re-armed the majority of its units across Northern Ireland.

Intelligence services have been anxiously monitoring the movements of known LVF men, who have reportedly visited a number of European countries recently.

The LVF reorganisation has been carried out following a series of recent meetings, during which senior members had expressed concerns about a number of issues.

And the security services are concerned at the LVF's continued growth.

Originally centred in the mid-Ulster area, the LVF are now known to have established new units in Belfast, Antrim, Larne, North Down and parts of Co Londonderry.

A security source said: "There are very real concerns that the LVF are becoming a major force within loyalism.

"They are a much larger organisation than many people believe. Their operational capability should not be underestimated at this point in time."

However, the LVF Army Council has reiterated that they are not anti-peace - but they are still anti-Agreement. Sources close to the LVF yesterday refused to confirm or deny that the organisation had rearmed many of its units.

However, the terrorists did confirm that the LVF had carried out an analysis of the political situation in light of the forthcoming Assembly elections.

It is believed the LVF will be releasing a statement on the Assembly elections within the next few weeks.


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